artist-arborist: a different perspective

If you’re here, you might have a tree problem. Trees are often problems. We need our trees. They are beautiful and calming, they provide shade and shelter, they clean our air and support our environment. And yet…co-existence can be fraught. Harmony can be elusive and temporary.

At Artist-Arborist, we do not see your home landscape as a site of problems that need solutions, but as a site of circumstances that present opportunities. The natural world is a powerful neighbor in our landscape; it can be coaxed to provide us comfort over distress.

Why Art? This company hopes to address your concerns when possibilities are open-ended, when dreams of something more enriching and fulfilling from the landscape grow. Many excellent local companies can solve your tree problems with care and dedication. We hope to advise you as well about the structure of your space, it’s balance and design, the distribution of its resources, and how your woody plants can serve a place for you that is beautiful.

What is Beauty? Beauty is perfect balance between form and function. Beauty is not always pretty; it is health and vigor, rarity and elegance. Beauty is a tiny seed producing an abundance of possibility.

In tree care, Beauty is always excellent craft by knowledgeable operators to achieve your goal in a way that looks great and is cost-effective.

Estimates are always free. To begin the conversation about how to beautify your world, call or text at (443) 847-8208, or email Fully licensed and insured in the state of Maryland. Please review the gallery for samples of the work.